Charles McKinney Vogler Archival Fund
Charles McKinney Vogler was an avid archivist, genealogist and the founder of the Philip Christoph Vogler Memorial, Inc. (now the PCV Foundation, Inc.). The archival fund was established in 1998 in recognition and fond remembrance of Charles.
For more information regarding the Charles McKinney Vogler Archival Fund please contact Bill Pendleton.
Donations should made to Moravian Church of the Southern Province and sent to the address below You may include a tribute to the living or a memorial with your donation. Please designate that the donation be accredited to the Charles M. Vogler Archival Fund.
Donations to Moravian Church of the Southern Province
Mail to:
Mr. Ted Leinbach, Treasurer
Moravian Church of the Southern Province
459 South Church St.
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Phone: (336) 722-7922
PCVF Contact:
Bill Pendleton
3534 Fawn Hill Road
Matthews, NC 28105